The unexamined life is not worth living.

Nabeel (Billie) Khalid
2 min readFeb 15, 2016

Consciously or sub-consciously, I do adhere to Plato’s dictum and spend a considerable amount of energy (and brain cells) to examine my life and myself.

Sometimes, it’s amazing what I see when I scribble these notes down…

Currently, I seem to have the longest list of things I’m not doing:

  1. Reading Muslim Zion, a book I began reading over a month ago.
  2. Reading Rebel Queen, a book I began reading last week for a reader’s circle and have yet to finish the first chapter.
  3. Smoking. I haven’t smoked in 19 days in an attempt to quit.
  4. Completing my work time-sheets. What’s the point of working if I am not documenting it the way I should? I have more than two weeks to finish now.
  5. Cooking. I made a huge fuss about having a proper kitchen but I haven’t cooked more than one dish in the past week.
  6. Exercising. One of the reasons I wanted to quit smoking was to start exercising. I blame the winter.
  7. Paternity classes. I should’ve signed up months ago. All the classes must be full now.
  8. Article for an expat journal. Should’ve finished and submitted this piece more than a month ago. Just might be too late now.
  9. Mom’s UK visa application. Need her to be there when the baby arrives.
  10. Trim and tidy up my social accounts — this is a long and arduous task that I’ve been putting off for a while. Glad I did it for Twitter at least.
  11. Make my own website, just for practice, to stay in touch with my inner front-end, back-end, coder, designer self.
  12. Get the toaster repaired over the weekend. Yes, another weekend’s gone so this just gets carried forward to the next weekend now.
  13. Laundry. If you know anything about me, you’d know I hate doing my laundry. I haven’t done it once since I’ve moved to London. I can’t keep counting on others to do it for me.
  14. Shopping. I’ve run out of sweaters and need to get a cool hat that keeps me warm. I also need to top-up on grocery supplies.
  15. I’ve owed Z a massage for the longest time now. This week I better do it. She’s carrying my baby after all.


Didn’t expect that list to go up to 15 items! I better get started with my time-sheets for a head-start!



Nabeel (Billie) Khalid

A marketing and communications leader who loves storytelling. He’s also a doting dad, social thinker, humanist and a persistent Londoner w/ Pakistani roots.